Thursday, November 6, 2014

NaNo Nano

Nope, it's not a greeting from Mork.  It's a state of mind.  At least for November.  NaNoWriMo stands for National Novel Writing Month.  November happens to be that month.  It's the time of year when crazy people such as myself take precious time away from their lives to write 50,000 words of a novel, story, etc., etc.
I've accepted this challenge, and am proud to say that I am 1/5 of the way there.  Some folks have the audacity to try and get 50k in one day! I don't know how they can do that.  They must have bionic fingers to be able to type that fast.
I've felt the Lord tug at my heart for some time now to write a novel.  I'm leaning on him as I not only write one, but finish one.  That is the challenge---FINISHING a novel. I have, at last count 6 works in progress on my computer.  That's not including the handwritten novel I've been working on since August, nor does it include the novel I am working on right now. So, I suppose, that makes for 8 works in progress.
My goal is to get my 50k in during this month, and then take the month of December to either finish (if the 50k didn't get to the finish line for me) or edit my manuscript.  I'm excited and AFRAID all at the same time.
I've inherited my father's gift of not finishing things.  When we lived in Michigan, my mom had always commented on how much our house lacked in storage space.  Well, my dad decided he would fix that for her, bless his heart.  He cut holes in the walls, nailed boards to resemble a cabinet like structure, and VOILA! There it sat.  For years. Three large holes in my bedroom.  Holes, not cabinets.  That's the largest project I can remember him not finishing, who knows how many little ones there were.
So, here I sit, with not three, but eight holes in my wall.  I must break the procrastination cycle and finish one of the holes.  And not just finish it, but put on a pretty door, stain it a wonderful color, and make sure the inside is nice and neat and ready for whatever I put inside it.

1 comment:

  1. I hope your NaNo is going well! Happy Thanksgiving!
